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Content last updated 06/08/2024

Artificial intelligence (AI)

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Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used across sectors and many organisations are considering how they can harness its potential while managing associated risks.

By incorporating AI strategically and using AI correctly, not-for-profit organisations can streamline operations, make better use of resources, and increase impact in their communities. Your community organisation should be aware of the limitations and risks associated with use of AI and take action to manage this.

We have published a fact sheet that considers the legal implications of the use of AI on community organisations.

Our fact sheet covers:

  • what is artificial intelligence?
  • the benefits of using AI
  • legal risks associated with use of AI
  • ethical concerns associated with use of AI
  • how does AI impact organisational governance?
  • implementing responsible AI practices

The content on this webpage was last updated in July 2024 and is not legal advice. See full disclaimer and copyright notice.

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