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Content last updated 09/05/2024

Criminal conduct

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Criminal conduct

It doesn't happen very often, but sometimes criminal conduct occurs inside not-for-profit community organisations. Criminal conduct means conduct that breaks a law where a criminal penalty can apply.

Sometimes a certain action (or failure to act) can be both a crime and trigger rights to civil damages or compensation as well.

Criminal conduct experienced by not-for-profits can include:

  • fraud
  • stealing and embezelling
  • criminal damage to property
  • assaults, including sexual assaults
  • stalking and harrasment, and
  • failures to report certain incidents such as child abuse, and others kinds of notifiable incidents (for example, under work health and safety laws)

If you suspect this is happening in your organisation, things are getting serious and you need to know what to do.

If it is an emergency, call 000.

Our fact sheet sets out things to consider and steps you can take if you suspect there is criminal conduct in your organisation

Criminal conduct inside your organisation

The content on this webpage was last updated in May 2024 and is not legal advice. See full disclaimer and copyright notice.

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